How to Care for Sex Doll Foot
2023-01-19 00:31:34

If we want to buy a sex doll, among the many customization options of the sex doll we face, there are some options for the feet of the sex doll, some customers who buy sex dolls for the first time will make mistakes in the options of the feet of the sex doll It's difficult, I don't know the difference between the feet of each sex doll, and how to choose the feet of a sex doll. This article will give you a detailed introduction to the footsteps of sex dolls. I hope you can make the right choice after reading this article.The feet of the sex doll and the hands of the sex doll are the details of the sex doll that pay great attention to simulation and realism. As far as realism can be said for a sex doll, the details of her hands and feet are indispensable.

1.What are the different customization options for different sex doll feet

The standing foot option is by far the most popular foot option for our sex dolls, and as you may have guessed, the standing foot option allows the doll to stand upright. For the sex doll foot option that can stand, the sex doll feet have three small metal screws that protrude slightly from the soles of the feet. These three screws are brackets that link the inside of the sex doll and can well support the weight of the sex doll itself. Because the sex doll itself has a lot of weight, if all the weight is pressed on the thin silicone or TPE material of the sex doll's feet, it will cause damage to the sex doll's feet. These three screws may damage the realism of the sex doll.You can stand your doll for a long time for photography, cuddling or storage. However, we recommend not letting your doll stand on its own unattended, as he/she may fall and become damaged. The sex doll itself is relatively heavy, and a fall may cause fatal damage to a certain part of the sex doll.You can stand your doll for a long time for photography, cuddling or storage. However, we recommend not letting your doll stand on its own unattended, as he/she may fall and become damaged. The sex doll itself is relatively heavy, and a fall may cause fatal damage to a certain part of the sex doll. Standing sex dolls have a natural advantage for standing sex.

Some people ask can a sex doll wear shoes like a normal person? Can you stand with your shoes on? Of course, sex dolls wear shoes, and high heels are fine, but if you stand in high heels, you'd better have a strong support. All sex doll feet except the torso can be customized with standing foot options. If you are looking for perfect sex doll feet, then sex doll feet with exposed screws are not for you.

2. The correct way to store sex dolls

Even if it is a sex doll that can stand, the correct way to store it is not to keep the sex doll standing all the time, but to hang your sex doll on a hanger to prevent unnecessary pressure on the doll, especially the joints and bones. It's all about the fragility of a sex doll's body. There is a correct way to use the sex doll's standing function. Even if it has the standing function, the sex doll may not be able to stand firmly. The three screws at the bottom are only for support, not particularly stable, because the doll is not like a real person, and has a cerebellum to maintain body balance, so she still has to find a wall or something to keep her on her feet. And all the weight of the sex doll's body is on the screws on the soles of the sex doll. When your sex doll is standing, don't put stockings on your sex doll, because the stockings have no friction, which may cause instability or scratches stockings. When putting shoes on the doll, wear a few more pairs of socks, or use harder insoles, so that the shoes are not easy to break. There is another way. You can put leather insoles on the doll's feet first, and then put on stockings.Always keep in mind the need for long-term storage of your sex doll The best way is to hang your sex doll or lay it flat in a box.Sex dolls are not real people with small brains to maintain body balance. The three metal bolt heads on the bottom are just for support and not particularly stable. So you'll need to find a wall or something else the doll can lean on and keep the doll standing. This can take some time, and you'll need to keep adjusting your posture to find the sweet spot.

For those who have a foot fetish or prefer a perfect body, the three screws on the bottom will undoubtedly destroy the integrity of the feet. If it happens that the doll does not need to stand for long periods of time, the non-standing foot option (regular feet) is the best choice. Hope this article was helpful for you in choosing the right sex doll customization options, so let's start your journey.